How SEO and Social Media Marketing Interact

How SEO and Social Media Marketing Interact

Because of how Jon Stewart interacts with the community by advertising a book through a conversation, a relationship builder between vendor and himself for the benefit of potential clientele, he deploys SMM. Social media marketing is the process of creating a back and forth communication and thus a relationship between a vendor and a potential, as well as past, clientele. In the Jon Stewart example, besides it being in the real world and not the virtual world, he deploys indirect social media marketing, SMM, because a potential clientele is not directly speaking, only listening to a non-advertisement with the author, the marketer, and a non-professional. The lack of professionals within an SMM experience is what creates the illusion of trust, networking and consequently conversations, and general attention toward the specified product/service that is being “advertised.”

Again, a non-professional leads the way for communication between potential clientele and a vendor. This way, trust forms; the more trust, the stronger client to vendor connections get, leading to a promotion via word of mouth from one person to another. These indirect networking tactics for a company is becoming more of a necessity than anything else in the online market because of how suspicious users have become when interacting with a “professional” promoter working directly for the marketer and thus towards a vendor’s benefit and not the client’s.

However, to funnel all the new trust toward a specific market and a specific vendor is with usage of SEO; search engine optimization is as the name entails-a systematized order based on keywords typed in by a user.

Through a combination of SEO, search engine optimization, and SMM, social media marketing, a marketer’s product/service can be promoted in indirect, yet “better” ways by means of statistically being more effective profit wise. A perfect online example, unlike the Jon Stewart integration of SMM and, at best, the possible SEO of keywords such as “politics,” “current events,” “comedy,” “farce,” etc., is YouTube. Why? Well, Because of YouTube’s usage of videos and multimedia to advocate for a product, it initiates, as well as inspires, a community reaction; users may comment, and comment on the made comments, all with the vendor’s product/service in mind. This is SMM. The fact that YouTube includes tags for each video so that users may search for them with ease is the definition of SEO.

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