Selling eBooks – Reach Your Market Through Free Services
As an author, most of us are aware that writing books may not be a lucrative endeavor. In fact, it most likely won’t be. But, there are other avenues you can take to earn an income or at least supplement your income.
Each of you have knowledge and skills that others would like to learn.
Maybe you’re a great cook and have mouthwatering recipes you can share. Maybe you are a wiz at creating crafts. Or, maybe you are an expert in marketing, or finance. Whatever your area of expertise, there is an audience just waiting to learn from you.
You may be wondering how you can reach that audience.
The answer: e-books.
E-books are a simple product to create and with services such as,, and Amazon’s Kindle, you can have a ready-made worldwide market. And, statistics show that the e-book market is steadily growing and e-readers are becoming must-have household items. You should want to be a part of that growth.
Special Features to Help You Target Your Market
Your eBook Title
To market your e-book effectively, your keyword should be incorporated in your title, and it should be a title that will grab a reader. Look at the two titles below; which one will grab a reader and quickly let him know that his money problems can be solved by selling e-books?
Make Money Selling eBooks
You Can Earn an Income by Selling eBooks
Note: Be sure your title is reflective of the e-book content. If you’re writing about apples, don’t title it, All About Oranges.
Your Book Cover
As with your title, you want the cover to grab a reader. There are number of image services where you can get free images, just be sure you can use the image on products for sale and without attribution.
The cover should also be reflective of the book content.
Book Category and Keywords
Taking advantage of free e-book publishing services allows you to target specific markets through their category and keyword functions. But, before you choose a category or keywords, do your homework. Look over the available choices and pick a category that best fits your product. In regard to keywords, research those that will be effective – look for long-tail keywords, they have less competition.
Take your time with this step, it can mean the difference between no sales, some sales, and huge sales.
Book Description
Another important feature these services provide is an ample book description area. Again, take your time and create a ‘hook’ description. If you belong to a critique group, ask them to go over your content before uploading it. For those who don’t belong to a critique group (if you’re an author, you should belong to one) try asking in one of your writing groups, or ask a writing friend for some input.
I’ve published e-books on Lulu and recently published with Kindle. And, if I can do it, anyone can. I won’t sugar coat it though, it does take some effort and time, but the results are worth it. You can have a ready-to-go product for sale within a day. If you get proficient at publishing on these sites, you can complete a project in a couple of hours.